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America > Falkland Islands > Port Stanley: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Light Rain
max. 7 °C
min. 4 °C

Wind: 7 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 1 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 19:59 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Partly Cloudy 4.5 °C / Partly Cloudy

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When to go to Port Stanley? (Falkland Islands)

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Wet daysRating

What to do in Port Stanley : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

Port StanleyPort Stanley, the capital of the Falklands is located northeast of the East Falkland island, and has just over 2,000 inhabitants, two-thirds of the total population of the archipelago. This is undoubtedly one of the smallest capitals in the world. It is the main commercial center of the Falklands, and also has a school, a swimming pool, hospital and library. You can visit the Museum of the Falkland Islands, which shows the history of the inhabitants and displays objects of everyday life in the early 20th century, admire the Governor's House, the Cathedral with its whalebone arch, a totem and some shipwrecked shipwrecks in the harbor. You will also notice the brightly colored houses with their corrugated iron roofs and timber frame, imported in kit continent, but also some lovely stone houses in the region, and the built police station in a Victorian style. Tourists usually arrive cruise ship stops for a few hours, but you can also land in Mount Pleasant and do the drive to Stanley. In the city, it is easy to walk.


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