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Asia > North Korea: Weather, Map, Costs and Travel Guide

North Korea

North Korea : When and where to go?

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North Korea: Climate & Weather

The most pleasant months are between April and October, except in July and August, where the weather is more humid and covered.

Between November and March, the climate is cold and the country deserted. It is in April and May that you will enjoy the best of the country because there are still few tourists and the temperatures are pleasant.

In addition, May 1st is the occasion for grandiose shows and impressive military parades.


Weather today

Heavy Rain
max. 29 °C
min. 25 °C

Wind: 6 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 47,8 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 16:00 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Overcast 29 °C / Overcast

North Korea: Map

North Korea : maps

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What to do in North Korea

You will probably start by visiting Kim Il-sung Square, the central square of Pyongyang, which is the place of huge, empty military parades, surrounded by imposing monuments such as the Great House of Study of the People with its library, The largest in the country, and its strange architecture that brings together tradition and socialist rigor.

On the other bank of the Taedong, the Tower of the Idea Juche is 170 meters high and the 25,550 granite blocks that compose it each represent a day in the life of Kim on her 70th birthday, on the occasion of which she Was built. At its summit you will enjoy a beautiful view over the city, if the weather is clear.

Do not miss Mount Paekdu, which lies on the border of China, in the northeast of the country, whose altitude rises to 2744 meters, making the highlight of North Korea. To see also, the falls of Pakyon, between the mounts Chonma and Songgo; The city of Kaesong, which is the ancient capital of the kingdom of Koryo; The neo-Confucian college Songgyungwan which dates from 992.

Another beautiful area is the area around Mount Chilbo, with its cliffs, beaches and fishing villages: the disadvantage is that you have to be part of a group large enough to rent the plane that will take you there!

North Korea: The basics

A visa is required to enter North Korea.

The current currency is the North Korean won, or KPW, but tourists are not allowed to use it and must pay in euros or Chinese yuan. No need to have a credit card, they are not accepted anywhere and you will not find any ATMs in the country.

For your budget on the spot, plan sufficiently because the life of the traveler is expensive: you will have to pay two guides and a driver because it is impossible to visit the country alone. You should therefore pay about 250 € per day if you are alone (accommodation, meals and guides), and 150 if you are part of a group of tourists.

To go to North Korea, you are obliged to pass through China: from Beijing, you will reach the capital Pyongyang by train or plane. One can also leave by air from Vladivostok in Russia, or from Shenyang, still in China.

As for the traffic in the country, everything will have been reserved in advance at the same time as accommodation and guides, after the government agency Ryohaengsa: a driver will ensure your circuit and your trips.

There is no compulsory vaccination before departure, but it is recommended to be protected against hepatitis A and B, diphtheria, typhoid and to have current vaccinations (tetanus and poly). Tap water is sometimes unfit for consumption. It is better to be healthy to travel to North Korea because the country has often obsolete medical structures.

There is obviously not much to remember: you can always buy ginseng in the form of tea ...

Safety: in addition to the risks associated with the monsoon between June and August (typhoons, floods), travelers are strongly advised to refer to the accompanying guide for authorized or advised behavior. It is for example prohibited to photograph stations, airports, roads, bridges, possess a cell phone, etc. The border between the 2 Korea is inaccessible.


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