Time in Jordan: Time Zones and Daylight Saving Time
What time is it in Amman?
![Quelle heure est-il à Amman ?](https://www.thebesttimetovisit.com/meteo/images/villes/jordanie-amman-200.jpg)
In Amman, it is now: 12:26:18
Time Zone: GMT+3 (Asia/Amman, +03)
Time difference with London: 2 hours in advance
When it is 12 o'clock in London, it is already 14 in Amman.
Summer time: There is no time change in Amman during year 2025.
Time difference between Amman and London throughout the year 2025, taking into account time changes in London:
• Up to 29/03: 3 hours in advance. At 12 o'clock in London, it is 15 in Amman.
• From 30/03 to 25/10: 2 hours in advance. At 12 o'clock in London, it is 14 in Amman.
• From 26/10: 3 hours in advance. At 12 o'clock in London, it is 15 in Amman.