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America > Netherlands Antilles > Willemstad: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 28 °C
min. 27 °C

Wind: 9 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 0 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 00:23 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Partly Cloudy 28 °C / Partly Cloudy

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When to go to Willemstad? (Netherlands Antilles)

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What to do in Willemstad : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

WillemstadCapital of Curaçao, an island part of the Netherlands Antilles, Willemstad is shared by a natural channel into two areas, connected by a pontoon, and the city has just under 100 000. The first district Punda, was founded by the Dutch, and the second Otrabanda, is the Spanish Quarter. It is inevitably struck by the bright colors of the buildings (yellow, pink, green or blue), and the city is a popular tourist destination, with its port which is one of the largest transit ports on the Caribbean Sea, and its airport one of the largest in the Caribbean. The architecture of the city is reminiscent of the Netherlands but also the Spanish and Portuguese colonial towns: the old town is also World Heritage of UNESCO. Be sure to tour around the city by tram, circuit part of the district of Punda, you discover the floating bridge of Queen Emma, ​​the floating market, the Pietermaai Cathedral, and the queen's park Whilelmina, fort Amsterdam 17th century and the Protestant church. Next, visit the Maritime Museum, housed in a 18th century building, and many crafts, maps, navigational instruments and ship models; then the distillery where is manufactured the famous Curacao liqueur. It moves very easily on foot in the city, but you can also take a taxi, take a bus or rent a car.


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