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Asia > Mongolia > Ulaanbaatar: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


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max. -12 °C
min. -25 °C

Wind: 2 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 0 mm
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Data updated at 23:39 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Clear -19 °C / Clear

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When to go to Ulaanbaatar? (Mongolia)

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What to do in Ulaanbaatar : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

UlaanbaatarCapital of Mongolia, Ulan Bator has a million inhabitants and groups together a third of the total country’s population. The city was founded in the 17th Century, and long consisted mainly of yurts, the traditional Mongolian habitat. Urbanisation and the construction of permanent buildings mainly date from the arrival of the Russians in 1930. The city is also the coldest capital of the world, because of its continental climate with long, cold winters and short cool summers. It is served by an international airport, and a very basic road network, generally rough tracks, which connects the major cities. The city offers a highly contrasting appearance between the high residential towers built according to the Soviet model and the yurts on the periphery, protected by wooden palisades, between the Japanese cars and the cows and goats that roam the streets and also between the people dressed in traditional costumes and those in modern outfits. You will discover Sukhbaatar Square where the independence of Mongolia was declared in 1921, the Natural History Museum with its dinosaur skeletons from the Gobi Desert, the Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts, the Gandantegchinlen Khiid Tibetan Buddhist Monastery with its sumptuous gold decorated temples, and the Bodg Khaan winter palace with its taxidermy animal collection.


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