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Asia > Japan > Tokyo: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 16 °C
min. 14 °C

Wind: 8 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 6,4 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 11:52 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Rain 15.4 °C / Rain

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When to go to Tokyo? (Japan)

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What to do in Tokyo : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

TokyoThe capital of Japan, the agglomeration of Tokyo has over thirty million inhabitants, making it the most populous urban area in the world. The city experiences a humid subtropical climate, with mild winters and very hot, humid summers. Storms and hurricanes can occur during June and July. Tokyo is known for its combination of tradition and modernity, with its temples and shrines alongside skyscrapers and cutting edge technological gadgets. You can find most of the historical monuments in the Asakusa area, in particular the Senso-ji Buddhist temple, as well as Shinto shrines, the Edo Castle and the five-tier pagoda in Ueno zoo. You should not miss a visit to the Tokyo Tower at 333 metres high, or the Imperial Palace, Tsukiji Fish Market, and the famous Shibuya avenue, the Tokyo equivalent of Oxford Street. Look at the young people and their clothing, which usually provides a preview of European fashion in the following month! The city is served by two international airports and travel around the city is best achieved using the metro, which is often crowded, or the monorail.


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