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Asia > India > Srinagar: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Mostly Cloudy
max. 39 °C
min. 21 °C

Wind: 5 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 0 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 08:11 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Overcast 25 °C / Overcast

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When to go to Srinagar? (India)

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What to do in Srinagar : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

SrinagarIndian Kashmir is nowadays known as Jammu and Kashmir. Located in the north of India, it is on the border with Pakistan, which disputes the legitimacy. China also occupies part of the corresponding Himalayan territories. Given this very tense situation, Kashmir is not a destination recommended for tourists for the last twenty years. However, this mountainous region offers beautiful scenery, and its capital, Srinagar, will live long in the memory of visitors who risk a visit: Built at 1,700 metres above sea level, it is surrounded by mountains with lakes that reflect the azure sky. They also host hundreds of houseboats. You can explore the Old Town and its labyrinth of streets, discover its mosques and especially the Great Mosque dating from the 17th Century, stroll through the famous Mughal gardens towards the end of the Dal Lake, climb the hill to reach the temple dedicated to Shiva, admire the old fort which is the setting of the Sharika Devi temple, visit the museum, take a boat ride on the lakes, or just drink cardamom tea from the street stalls. Nature lovers will wish to visit the Dachigam National Park located 22 km east of Srinagar, former hunting ground of the Maharajas, today threatened by the conflict between Pakistan and India, and home to the last of the Kashmir deer, as well as snow leopards, bears and many other species, all within a sumptuous setting.


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