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Asia > Laos > Luang Prabang: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Partly Cloudy
max. 45 °C
min. 24 °C

Wind: 3 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 0 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 21:01 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Partly Cloudy 30.1 °C / Partly Cloudy

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When to go to Luang Prabang? (Laos)

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What to do in Luang Prabang : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

Luang PrabangTown in northern Laos, 700 meters, Luang Prabang is also a port on the Mekong River, surrounded by a mountainous landscape, which allowed it to retain its authentic appearance due to difficult access. tourism opened in the 90s, it has just over 50 000 inhabitants, and the city is a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Considered the jewel of Laos, there are many places of interest: the royal palace, seat of the National Museum, with a copy of the Pha Bang Buddha; Wat Mai, the largest and best decorated temple of the city, containing an emerald Buddha statue; Wat Xieng Thong, the most beautiful temple in the country, dating from 1560; Wat Visoun, the oldest temple in Luang Prabang, built in 1450; the bear reserve in the south of the city; the Prabang, the emblem of the country, a statue covered in gold leaf; the Traditional Arts Centre and Ethnology, dedicated to the culture of different ethnic groups of Laos; Night Market, opposite the former royal palace; market traders where you can taste all the Laotian specialties; and of course the hundreds of pagodas and temples scattered throughout the city, each more wonderful than each other. Luang Prabang is accessed through its international airport, but you can also take the river from Muang Khoua or Houessay, two-day cruise. To get around town, the rickshaw is a great way.


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