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Asia > Japan > Hiroshima: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 18 °C
min. 15 °C

Wind: 2 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 6,2 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 23:48 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Clear 15.9 °C / Clear

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When to go to Hiroshima? (Japan)

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What to do in Hiroshima : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

HiroshimaHiroshima is a city in Japan, located on the island of Honshu. It is notorious for being the target of the atomic bomb in 1945. Today it has a population of just under 1,200,000 and has been completely rebuilt. There are several places of interest: the Itsukushima Shrine and the Bomb A Dome in the Peace Memorial Park, both UNESCO World Heritage Sites; Several museums, including that of the Memorial of Peace, but also that of Maneki-neko and the narrow Sente of the cat, honoring this lucky animal; The Museum of Contemporary Art; The Yamato Museum, a maritime museum featuring many techniques including shipbuilding; Many temples and sanctuaries; The oldest Japanese garden in the city, the Shukkeien, built at the time of Edo; The Miharashi hot springs; The island of Miyajima, one of the most beautiful sites of the country, on the sea of ​​Seto. Do not miss experiencing Japanese culture, such as renting a kimono and wearing it on the Miyajima Island already mentioned, or watch a show in Kagura, Shinto theater dance, and even try one of the Costumes reserved for these shows. Hiroshima is accessed by plane from Seoul, Bangkok or Tokyo, but also by train from Tokyo (4 hours drive). Easy walking distance to the city center, while for longer distances, the tram and metro are very convenient.


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