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Asia > China > Guilin: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 24 °C
min. 20 °C

Wind: 3 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 14,4 mm
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Data updated at 12:57 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Overcast 21.1 °C / Overcast

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When to go to Guilin? (China)

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What to do in Guilin : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

GuilinThis city, south of China, capital of the Guangxi region, is one of the most visited of the country, known for its beautiful landscapes of small very steep mountains plunging into crystal clear water courses, it has about a million inhabitants and was built 20 centuries ago. Today served by an international airport, it not only lives off tourism, but also agricultural land that surround it. However, many attractions attract travelers: the princely city of Jingjiang, the Cave of the reed flutes with its amazing stalagmites and stalactites, the famous hills nicknamed Dragon's Teeth, Qinsing the park (or seven stars), probably the most beautiful of all of the city with its seven hills suggesting the constellation of the Great Bear and its beautiful gardens, the famous Hill of elephant trunk which is also the emblem of the city, the canal dating Lingqu more than 200 years BC, making it the oldest hydraulic work in the world, rice terraces, the diversity of these places can only cause disorientation and wonder. For your accommodation you will find a wide range of solutions, from hostels to hotels of various levels through the holiday villages. As for getting around the city, you can choose from the many taxis and very economical or convenient and frequent buses, but we can only advise you to try the bike too, which here is a great way to discover the beautiful surroundings at your own pace. Food lovers will not be disappointed in Guilin: its noodles are famous throughout China plus exotic fruit and beer fish deserve to be tasted by lovers of culinary surprises!


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