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Asia > Japan > Fukuoka: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Light Rain
max. 19 °C
min. 14 °C

Wind: 5 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 2,9 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 19:03 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Partly Cloudy 17.1 °C / Partly Cloudy

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When to go to Fukuoka? (Japan)

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What to do in Fukuoka : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

FukuokaLocated on the island of Kyushu in Japan, Fukuoka is the largest city on the island and has more than 1,500,000 inhabitants. Fukuoka has a rich history, as it was an important vector for trade between China and Japan, and it was attacked several times. It is crossed by two rivers, Naka and Hakata, bordered by mountains on three sides, and opens on the sea to the north. Most tourists who visit Fukuoka come from Korea and Taiwan, yet many sites are to be discovered. You will be able to visit the castle, built in 1601, destroyed by a fire in 1868, of which only the wall and the moat remain, and especially the superb park Maizuru with its beautiful view of the bay of Hakata ; Ohori park in the heart of the city, a green setting where a huge lake and small islands connected by small bridges, a Japanese garden, pavilions and an art museum; Higashi Park, 32 hectares, with its museum and a beautiful Buddhist temple; The marine park of Uminokamichi, with its aquarium, beaches, zoo and various attractions; The Asian Art Museum, in the Hakata district, which offers a comprehensive panorama of works of art from all over Asia; The Fukuoka Tower, 234 meters high, covered with 8,000 mirrors. In addition, many temples and sanctuaries will enliven the visitor's walks throughout the city. Fukuoka can easily be reached by boat from various cities, as well as by air, and the international airport is close to the city center, which is connected by the metro. There is a very dense bus and underground network for trips to the city.


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