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Middle East > Qatar > Doha: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Mostly Cloudy
max. 37 °C
min. 31 °C

Wind: 6 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 0 mm
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Data updated at 05:29 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Clear 32 °C / Clear

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When to go to Doha? (Qatar)

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What to do in Doha : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

DohaCapital of Qatar, Doha has about one million inhabitants. It is located on the Persian Gulf and has a ledge that runs along the sea 7 km. Populated and many huge skyscrapers, modernity can not hide his attachment to tradition, as still found in the souks, with their maze of alleys lined with stalls full of handicrafts and gold jewelry. Absolutely to visit the Museum of Islamic Art, housing a rich collection that extends from the 7th to the 19th century and is located on an artificial island; it also contains a large aquarium where observe many species of fish and sea turtles. Other sites to see: the Ethnographic Museum, beautiful building, reflecting local life before the development due to the oil; Fort, where exhibitions are held; many mosques, the Al-Ahmad mosque, with its particular style, and Shuuk Mosque which has the tallest minaret; the ancient fortress which was the residence of the emirs in the center of the city, where you can watch the changing of the guard every day. Do not miss the Corniche beach with its 8 km long, where practicing relaxation or water sports; fountain shaped oyster shell containing a pearl on the Corniche, referring to culture pearls, cultural and commercial heritage of the country; the Kingdom of Aladdin, an amusement park for children and adults; the zoo in the neighborhood Salwa Road; Shahania the park where you can admire the white antelope in the wild. Do not miss a mini cruise dhow in the Gulf at dusk. To get around town, the easiest way is by taxi, which is the day very economical, a little more at night. There is no public transport. The city is well served by a large international airport.


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