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America > Brazil > Belem: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 31 °C
min. 24 °C

Wind: 3 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 13,9 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 11:24 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Mostly Cloudy 31.4 °C / Mostly Cloudy

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When to go to Belem? (Brazil)

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What to do in Belem : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

BelemBelem is a Colonial city in Brazil with around one and a half million inhabitants. It is a very active port along the Amazon River which gives it a high commercial importance. However Belem is also an attractive tropical city with numerous peaceful public gardens, paved roads, shaded boulevards and a wealth of cultural aspects despite its proximity to the tropical rain forest. It is best to visit the city between the period September to December. You will need to allow around three days to really visit the main points of interest in the city including Republican Place in the centre with the Teatro de Paz displaying neo-classical architecture, the shopping mall on President Vargas Avenue, and, next to the ‘Estaçäo Das Docas’ are the old docks transformed into a shopping centre. There is also the Ver-o-Paso market with its multitude of colours and aromas, and Dom Pedro II Place, the Cathedral of Sé, the Basilica of NS de Nazaré and Castelo Fort. There are also some museums that are worth a visit including the ‘Casa das Onze Janelas’, the Museum of Sacred Art and the Belem Art Museum.


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