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Europe > Albania > Vlore: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 17 °C
min. 12 °C

Wind: 7 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 6,6 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 16:10 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Clear 16.3 °C / Clear

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When to go to Vlore? (Albania)

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What to do in Vlore : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

VloreA city in Albania, Vlorë has a little less than 125,000 inhabitants. Situated in a bay on the Adriatic coast, Vlorë is a seaside resort and also the second largest port in the country, but also one of the oldest Albanian cities since it was founded in the 6th Century BC. Occupied by the Normans and then by the Venetians, it was famous for its wine, olives, precious metals, and its silk factories. It is accessible by air from Tirana, but also by boat from Brindisi in Italy. Built in the middle of a beautiful natural setting, modern visitors may wish to see the Historical Museum, the Museum of Ethnography and the Museum dedicated to Albanian Independence. You will no doubt admire the Monument of the Unknown Soldier, the Orthodox Christian church, the Catholic Church, and Muradie mosque. The hotel sector is still being developed but moderately priced guest houses can easily be found along the seafront. The climate is Mediterranean, and the city can be enjoyed all year round, although the most pleasant periods are spring and autumn.


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