Weather todayOvercast max. 33 °C
min. 26 °C Wind: 5 km/h Precipitation forecast: 0 mm > Full report and 7-days forecast Data updated at 14:35 (local time) At that time, the weather was: 32 °C / Overcast |
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When to go to Dar es Salaam? (Tanzania)
Month | Sunlight (h/d) | Average T min (°C) | Average T max (°C) | Record T min (°C) | Record T max (°C) | Precipitations (mm) | Wet days | Rating |
January | 8 | 26 | 32 | 21 | 36 | 65 | 8 | |
February | 7 | 26 | 32 | 20 | 36 | 65 | 6 | |
March | 7 | 25 | 32 | 21 | 35 | 129 | 12 | |
April | 5 | 24 | 31 | 19 | 36 | 289 | 19 | |
May | 7 | 23 | 30 | 18 | 32 | 187 | 15 | |
June | 7 | 21 | 30 | 16 | 33 | 32 | 6 | |
July | 7 | 20 | 29 | 16 | 31 | 30 | 6 | |
August | 9 | 20 | 29 | 15 | 33 | 24 | 7 | |
September | 9 | 20 | 29 | 16 | 32 | 30 | 7 | |
October | 9 | 22 | 30 | 17 | 34 | 40 | 7 | |
November | 8 | 23 | 31 | 19 | 33 | 73 | 9 | |
December | 8 | 25 | 32 | 21 | 36 | 90 | 11 |
What to do in Dar es Salaam : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants
The economic centre and largest city of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam has over two and a half million inhabitants. The major port of the country, it offers a surprising contrast between its different quarters. You will enjoy the mixture of cultures, the liveliness of the city centre streets and the picturesque Kariakoo market. Visit the National Museum with its impressive collection of fossils, and the Botanical Gardens before relaxing on the beautiful tropical beach of Oyster Bay. A few miles away from the city you will find a museum village with a group of recreated traditional houses from various regions of the country. You can easily get around the city using mini-buses or taxis. Accommodation is gradually improving and there are various places to stay in the city centre. A number of interesting excursions are available from Dar es Saleem; the Selous reserve with its populations of elephants, crocodiles and hippopotami, the legendary and superb Kilimanjaro, Manyara Park with its huge turquoise lake, and , of course, the park of Serengeti, the globally renowned nature reserve.