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Europe > Spain > Capela: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /home/clients/3132376e65cbc3f806129ee0b52a7ecb/quandpartir/api_owm/latest/28490-hourly-forecast.json in /home/clients/3132376e65cbc3f806129ee0b52a7ecb/besttime/inc_lib/Meteo.php on line 47

Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /home/clients/3132376e65cbc3f806129ee0b52a7ecb/quandpartir/api_wu/json/wu_ville_28490.json in /home/clients/3132376e65cbc3f806129ee0b52a7ecb/besttime/inc_lib/Meteo.php on line 51

Warning: file_get_contents(/home/clients/3132376e65cbc3f806129ee0b52a7ecb/quandpartir/api_wu/json/wu_ville_28490.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/clients/3132376e65cbc3f806129ee0b52a7ecb/besttime/inc_lib/Meteo.php on line 63

max. °C
min. °C

Wind: km/h
Chance of precipitations: %
> Full report and 4-days forecast
Data updated at 1:00 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
°C /

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When to go to Capela? (Spain)

Average T
min (°C)
Average T
max (°C)
Record T
min (°C)
Record T
max (°C)
Wet daysRating

What to do in Capela : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

no description yet


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