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Europe > Andorra > Andorra: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Rain and snow
max. 2 °C
min. -6 °C

Wind: 4 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 1 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 06:40 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Partly Cloudy -2.9 °C / Partly Cloudy

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When to go to Andorra? (Andorra)

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Wet daysRating

What to do in Andorra : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

AndorraCapital of Andorra, Andorra-la-Vella has a population of around 20,000. Situated at 1,400 metres altitude it is particularly well known for its main commercial street with its many duty free shops that attract so many tourists, the city actually has over 2,000 of these shops! However Andorra-la-Vella also has a number of lovely monuments and buildings reflecting the Romanesque artistic style including the Santa Coloma church, the Margineda Bridge, and the Casa de la Vall with its lovely gardens and statue named ‘The Dance’. There are also a number of small museums and art galleries that will enable you to better experience Andorran culture, for example the Museu Obert de Geologia and the Pilar Riberaygua Art Gallery. In Andorra-la-Vella you are never far from nature and there are many organised excursions available to help you enjoy it to the full such as taking the Enclar Valley Route, taking one of the eco-touristic circuits or enjoying a family hiking excursion. Finally one particular event definitely worth your while is the Season of Song and Dance that takes place from November to May where many quality acts often assist in providing excellent contemporary entertainment.


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