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Asia > China > Urumqi: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


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max. 20 °C
min. 12 °C

Wind: 6 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 0 mm
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Data updated at 16:29 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Clear 19.5 °C / Clear

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When to go to Urumqi? (China)

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What to do in Urumqi : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

UrumqiCapital of the autonomous Xinjiang region in China, Urumqi has approximately two million inhabitants. It is the largest city in western China. It experiences a semi-desert climate, with hot summers and cold winters, and is known as the city that is furthest from the sea throughout the world. It has a very rich diversity of plant and animal life. Served by an international airport, the city has many interesting monuments, such as the Mosque of the South, friendly traditional markets, the Xinjiang Regional Museum and the Tartar mosque. You will probably be impressed by the various buildings that little resemble typical Chinese architecture, but reflect the cultural diversity of the city. The best time to visit the city is between May and October, when the flowers are blooming and delicious fruit is available. You will notice the cosmopolitan character of the city, inhabited by many ethnic minorities, all dressed differently, including Uygur, Hui, and Mongolian that provide the city with beautiful colours. You can also visit the shores of Lake Tianchi which is beautiful all year round. Bus lines crisscross the city to facilitate travel. There are very good food stalls to be found just about everywhere in the city.


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