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Europe > Greece > Thessaloniki: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Light Rain
max. 18 °C
min. 10 °C

Wind: 4 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 2,4 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 03:02 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Partly Cloudy 12.6 °C / Partly Cloudy

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When to go to Thessaloniki? (Greece)

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Wet daysRating

What to do in Thessaloniki : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

ThessalonikiGreece's second city, Thessaloniki has a little over 360,000 inhabitants. Located at the base of the Thermaikos Gulf, the city was founded in 315 BC. It has a rich history marked by Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman influences. Nowadays, a multi-ethnic city, the city experiences a Mediterranean climate but with a continental character, snowy winters and slightly damp summers. The city acts as a communications hub for the country but is also a university city. It possesses remarkable monuments from different eras: Superb Byzantine churches, Roman ruins, constructions from the 1900s. Several festive events may also interest you including Film and music festivals, traditional crafts exhibitions during Dimitria and the Anastatica fire dances. The city’s Archaeological Museum is also worth a visit with its collection of precious objects from tombs and the Sindos and Vergina treasures; the sarcophagi, mosaics and sculptures will amaze you. You can climb the hill to the Acropolis and admire the extraordinary panorama over the entire city. In addition, there is a vibrant nightlife with many bars and many restaurants, and of course the nearby beaches that are perfect for relaxation.


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