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Europe > Italy > Sorrente: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Light Rain
max. 16 °C
min. 13 °C

Wind: 7 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 2,7 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 12:12 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Light Rain 13.9 °C / Light Rain

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When to go to Sorrente? (Italy)

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What to do in Sorrente : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

SorrenteLocated in the province of Naples, south-west of Italy, Sorrento has a little over 16 000 inhabitants. The city backdrop the sea and the hills, vineyards, orchards and olive groves, and it is close to Vesuvius, Pompeii and Capri. Its privileged location and its eventful past make it a destination of choice for the traveler, who can use as a base for various excursions and exciting: you arrive at Naples airport and then take the bus or train to Sorrento unless you prefer to rent a car. Discover then the Correale di Terranova museum that traces the history of the region between antiquity and the 19th century; Museum of marquetry, which is a major local art; the city of Pompeii Vesuvius covered the ashes; the church and cloister of Saint Francis; Veniero the 13th century palace in the Byzantine style. Search also in your walks, votive niches scattered everywhere on the walls of houses or walls, like tiny frescoed chapels. also impossible not to enjoy your stay to visit Naples and Capri, nearby. To get around the city and surrounding areas, rent a car or a scooter can be a good solution.


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