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Europe > France > Saint-Nazaire: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 13 °C
min. 8 °C

Wind: 6 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 0 mm
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Data updated at 12:37 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Clear 13 °C / Clear

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When to go to Saint-Nazaire? (France)

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What to do in Saint-Nazaire : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

Saint-NazaireFrench town located in the west of the country, on the Atlantic Ocean, Saint-Nazaire is famous for its shipbuilding yards, capable of making large ships (more than 300 m), as only 5 other sites in the world . Built to the north of the estuary of the Loire, the city counts a little less than 70 000 inhabitants, and has a lot to offer to the traveler who comes to its discovery. Several monuments are worth a visit: for the distant past, visit the Dolmen, a megalithic complex dating back 6000 years, very close to the city center; The Villès-Martin Fort, 1861, then the Kerlédé lighthouse, or the American Monument, dating from 1926, destroyed by the Germans in 1941 and rebuilt identically in 1989; Finally, the bridge of Saint-Nazaire, with its spectacular curve and its shrouds, which is the longest in France (more than 3 km). For a more natural discovery, try the path of the Douaniers, which runs along the sea and which can be covered in all seasons, or even a walk along the seafront along the beautiful houses of the Belle Epoque, unless you Do not prefer the Chemin des Brouettes, between the shipyard and the banks of the Brivet, to go on foot with the "menées", these roads that cross the district, just wide enough for a wheelbarrow, and that will make you penetrate the heart of The city, between gardens and working-class houses. Also worth visiting: the underwater base, the Espadon submarine, the port and its facilities, the ecomuseum that tells the history of the city. Access to Saint-Nazaire by road with the A11 from Paris, or by train (TGV from Paris also). For traveling in the city, you will have at your disposal a network of buses, including the Helice line, very efficient, and taxis or car rentals.


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