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Africa > Cape Verde > Praia: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 30 °C
min. 23 °C

Wind: 8 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 0 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 09:34 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Clear 30.3 °C / Clear

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When to go to Praia? (Cape Verde)

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What to do in Praia : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

PraiaCapital of Cape Verde, Praia is located on Santiago Island and has a little over 120,000 inhabitants. The city is fortunate in a cultural point of view because of its ease of communications with the outside; shows, exhibitions, theatre, nightlife, are all major elements in the city’s dynamics. You can visit the Ethnographical Museum, the Historic Centre of the National Archives, the church Nossa Senhora da Graça, and admire monuments such as the Presidential Palace, the Old Town Hall and the Palace of the Assembly. You can also ride to the lighthouse at the tip of Temerosa and climb to the top to enjoy a panorama of the city, stroll through the maze of Sucupira Market to enjoy the local atmosphere of the city neighbourhoods, and of course relax on the beaches or enjoy diving activities. The Palace of Culture also offers interesting architecture, and areas such as exhibition halls, a cafe, library and bookstore, as well as a pleasant terrace to take a relaxing break. The city is cosmopolitan enough so that you can easily find accommodation and restaurants.


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