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Europe > Italy > Perugia: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Light Rain
max. 10 °C
min. 3 °C

Wind: 3 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 8,7 mm
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Data updated at 04:33 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Light Rain 4.8 °C / Light Rain

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When to go to Perugia? (Italy)

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What to do in Perugia : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

PerugiaItalian town in the Umbria region of central Somalia, Perugia has just over 168 000 inhabitants, and is known for a large student city as well as the European capital of chocolate. After climbing the many stairs you will reach the historic center where discover shops of all kinds, including those that sell the famous chocolate, bring absolutely remember; you can also explore the underground vile then make a stop in the Cupa Park. You obviously will visit the Duomo di San Lorenzo 15th century cathedral, the Basilica of San Domenico, several notable churches, the National Gallery which exhibits works by Perugino and the Umbrian school, the archeology museum, the theater, University built in 1307, Porta Augusta Roman origin decorated with Etruscan elements, Etruscan and medieval city walls, aqueduct, ancient necropolis, the Maggiore fountain, the 13th century, with its pink and white marble vanities and its water carriers statues, and Piazza Michelotti, the highest in the city from which place you will embrace a superb view over the plains and surrounding mountains. To move around Perugia, there are buses, taxis, you can also ride a bike through bike paths, or rent a car, but the old city walking tour given the narrowness of the streets. We can Perugia will access by air, the city has its own airport, but also by train or by road Perugia is located 180 km from Rome and 151 km from Florence.


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