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America > Canada > Montreal: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 12 °C
min. 6 °C

Wind: 9 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 3,7 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 20:33 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Light Drizzle 11.4 °C / Light Drizzle

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When to go to Montreal? (Canada)

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Wet daysRating

What to do in Montreal : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

MontrealThe main city of Quebec, Montreal is Canada's second city, and has 1.6 million inhabitants. It is also the second largest French-speaking city in the world. Located on an eponymous island, the agglomeration is composed of dozens of islands. The historic centre is located in the south of the island, and is home to many notable sites of interest such as the Old Port, City Hall, Jacques-Cartier Place, Notre Dame, and also several notable skyscrapers. You can also visit the Biodome, a museum dedicated to ecology, the Botanical Gardens and Planetarium. Stroll around and explore different neighbourhoods, each with a well-defined character: Chinatown, the Gay Village, Little Italy, and Red Light are just some of them. In addition, several festivals are hosted in Montreal throughout the year including the International Jazz Festival, the Francofolies, and the Just for Laughs festival. Museums and theatres are also numerous. An international airport serves the city and for travelling around the city the subway and bus lines are very well developed. Note also an excellent cycle network with bicycles easily available for use. Tourist facilities are very good and the city welcomes more than 6 million tourists every year.


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