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Africa > Equatorial Guinea > Malabo: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 30 °C
min. 26 °C

Wind: 6 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 0 mm
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Data updated at 23:42 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Overcast 28.1 °C / Overcast

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When to go to Malabo? (Equatorial Guinea)

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What to do in Malabo : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

MalaboCapital of Equatorial Guinea, Malabo is located north of Bioko Island, on the coast. It has just under 200 000. With an international airport, the city of Malabo is also known for being the place of important archaeological discoveries concerning pre-Neolithic period. You can visit some nice places like Place de l'Horloge, palaces, town hall and its gardens, and many buildings whose Hispanic features no shortage of charm. The cathedral, located on Avenida de la Independencia, neo-Gothic and dominated by its two towers of 40 meters. See also, Casa Verde, a colonial-style building that is part of the oldest in the city, and yet very well preserved 19th century, having once housed the Consulate of Portugal. Visit the Museum of Modern Art of Equatorial Guinea, which exhibits traditional and contemporary works from the African continent. As for the museum Biyabiyan it houses masks and sculptures from the Fang art used by the wizards in the Bantu ceremonies, and which is attributed mysterious powers. Close to Malabo, Pico Basile is the culmination of the country with 3007 meters: it is a volcano whose last eruption was in 1923, and is located in the National Park of Pico Basile is a protected area . Also close, waterfalls Moca are home to several species of monkeys. You can also laze on the beach Del Seis, stroll along the harbor and do some hiking in the area surrounding the capital. To get around the city, there is a bus service and taxis are easy to find (price to be negotiated before the race). You can also rent a car. A report Malabo: pottery, tunics, masks, jewelry, fabrics, carvings.


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