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Asia > Thailand > Krabi: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 31 °C
min. 27 °C

Wind: 7 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 2,6 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 14:06 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Overcast 30.6 °C / Overcast

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When to go to Krabi? (Thailand)

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What to do in Krabi : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

KrabiSouth city of Thailand, Krabi is located on the west coast of the Andaman Sea. It has about 25,000 inhabitants and it is a beautiful tourist destination, with its beautiful white sand beaches and transparent waters. We can also practice climbing on its limestone cliffs and numerous dive sites nearby. Other activities to enjoy: bird watching, kayaking, sailing, fishing, exploring caves, hiking. You can also visit several places of interest: Wat Kaew, fairly recent but notable; two rocks Khao Kanab Nam, symbols of the city; the Museum of Contemporary Art; the Wat Tham Sua or Tiger Temple, one of the most renowned in the area, with its stairway of 1237 steps leading to the top of the mountain where he stands. Do not miss, from Krabi, trips to the region to explore the national parks with their stunts, their hot springs, and lush jungle. To get around town, buses and taxis circulating everywhere and the tuk-tuk or motorcycle taxi. You can also rent car or scooter. You can get to Krabi from Bangkok by bus (12 hour trip) or by plane since the city has an airport.


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