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Europe > Turkey > Kars: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Light Rain
max. 20 °C
min. 9 °C

Wind: 8 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 1,4 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 13:04 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Partly Cloudy 20.3 °C / Partly Cloudy

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When to go to Kars? (Turkey)

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What to do in Kars : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

KarsA city in Turkey, Kars has a particularly rigorous climate due to its altitude. Marked by a number of different cultures including Russian, Turkish, Armenian and Caucasian that appeared in its history over the years, its varied architecture reflects this in its many different styles. See the 15th Century Chateau, the Apostles church dating back to the 10th Century that is now transformed into a mosque, and above all ensure you visit the archaeological site of Ani, the old capital of Armenia that is situated on the Silk Road among sublime natural landscapes. It is about 40 kilometres from the city and is home to the ruins of numerous religious buildings such as the Church of the Redeemer dating from the 11th Century, a cathedral from the 10th Century and a fortress where the windows are open to a superb panoramic view. There are a number of hotels at Kars but a trip around the city will probably not take more than a day.


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