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Europe > France > Evreux: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Light Rain
max. 14 °C
min. 2 °C

Wind: 5 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 0,1 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 17:30 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Clear 14.3 °C / Clear

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When to go to Evreux? (France)

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What to do in Evreux : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

EvreuxFrench city of Eure, Normandy, Evreux has about 50 000 inhabitants. It is reached by the A13 from Paris (1 hour ride), by train from Paris or Caen, and once there, an efficient bus network can move within the city. You can discover many sites and monuments, for example: the Notre-Dame cathedral, where we find all the major currents of religious architecture, and its 70 windows recognized as a masterpiece of art stained glass; the Museum of Art, History and Archeology, housed in the former bishopric of the 15th century, presenting collections ranging from prehistory to the Gallo-Roman period; the clock tower; the former Capuchin convent, now a conservatory; the municipal theater built in 1903, of Italian style; the old convents of Ursulines and Cordeliers; the town hall, erected at the end of the 19th century, with its beautiful ceiling of the wedding hall; courthouse. You will also appreciate visiting the Botanical Garden, contiguous to the Capuchin convent, and its bronze statues, or the castle park of Trangis, a beautiful natural setting with a sports trail, tree climbing course and picnic area. You can also stroll along the river Iton, in the heart of the city, having always played an important role in the development of Evreux, with its banks lined with wash houses and mills, and spanned by many bridges. After having gone through all the treasures of this discreet city, you will understand why Madame de Sevigne called her the Cité Jolie!


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