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Europe > Croatia > Dubrovnik: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 15 °C
min. 10 °C

Wind: 6 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 0 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 02:38 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Partly Cloudy 11.8 °C / Partly Cloudy

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When to go to Dubrovnik? (Croatia)

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What to do in Dubrovnik : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

DubrovnikA city in Croatia, Dubrovnik, also called ‘Pearl of the Adriatic’, has just over 50,000 inhabitants. It is a gateway city, and a historical city reaching back to the medieval ages. Recently in the news quite a lot and prior to that destroyed by an earthquake then shellfire, it has now been restored and is a popular tourist destination due to the marvellous architecture. Visit the famous ramparts, the lovely pedestrian promenade bordered with superb buildings, see one of the oldest synagogues in the world, the Church of Saint Blaise, the Dominican convent, the Rector’s Palace and the cathedral dating from the 12th Century, or simply stroll along the cobblestone alleys and enjoy the fountains and houses built from the white stone and roofed with pink tiles from Toulouse. There are a number of museums that are worth a visit including the Ethnographical Museum, the Maritime Museum and the War Photography Museum. The old part of the city is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The best time to explore the city is at the end of spring or the beginning of autumn.


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