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Europe > United Kingdom > Brighton: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Light Rain
max. 14 °C
min. 7 °C

Wind: 10 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 1 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 15:12 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Partly Cloudy 14.5 °C / Partly Cloudy

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When to go to Brighton? (United Kingdom)

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What to do in Brighton : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

BrightonEnglish town situated in the south-east, Brighton is built at the edge of the Channel and has about 475,000 inhabitants. It is accessible by air through its airport, but also by road or by train from London (journey of less than an hour), and by ferry from Dieppe via Newhaven. Londoners come to Brighton to enjoy the sea, despite a range of uncomfortable pebbles: one can fortunately there rent chairs! A stroll on the seafront promenade, a must, you will appreciate the terraces of cafes and restaurants, then you will lose yourself in the Lanes, the colorful streets and somewhat bohemian lined with small shops and houses fishermen decorated pebbles. Then go to admire the many works of Street Art. You can also visit the Royal Pavilion built in the early 19th century, inspired by Indian architecture, and the beautiful gardens surrounding it; St Bartholomew's, the most remarkable religious building in the city, with the sobriety of its walls in stark contrast to the rich interior ornaments; the North Laine area, a little crazy, eccentric and populated by all kinds of fashion shops of all kinds; Brigthon the Museum & Art Gallery, which houses a collection dedicated to local art but also English and Flemish paintings, porcelain and pottery; the aquarium, dating from the Victorian era, which reveals the mysteries of marine life in an original setting. A city a little tote that does not lack charm.


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