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Europe > Turkey > Bodrum: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

Heavy Rain
max. 18 °C
min. 11 °C

Wind: 14 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 26,7 mm
> Full report and 7-days forecast
Data updated at 05:19 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Overcast 11 °C / Overcast

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When to go to Bodrum? (Turkey)

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Wet daysRating

What to do in Bodrum : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

BodrumThe city of Bodrum is a port in the south west of Turkey; it was originally built by the Greeks and has a current population of around 90,000 although this doubles in summer. Bodrum is in fact a popular touristic venue, both with foreign tourists and those coming from Istanbul. A number of monuments and buildings are worth a visit including the Castle of Saint Peter built in the 15th Century, the famous underwater archaeological museum, the gigantic ancient theatre with its superb view over the city, the Public Gardens with the old Naval Shipyards, as well as the excavations of the Mausoleum of Halicarnasse, one of the seven wonders of the world, and the Temple of Mars. You will also enjoy the city’s vivacious night life, numerous beaches, popular restaurants, diverse shops and boutiques, particularly the jewellers shops, and the discotheques that add a young and dynamic ambiance to the city and much appreciated by the younger generation. The city’s idyllic situation between hills and turquoise sea, and its typical white houses that extend down the hills to the shore all add to Bodrum’s charm. You will also have no problems in finding lodging, the range and availability of hotel accommodation is large and of very high standards.


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