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Africa > Morocco > Agadir: Weather, Climate and Travel Guide


Weather today

max. 22 °C
min. 14 °C

Wind: 14 km/h
Precipitation forecast: 0 mm
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Data updated at 11:24 (local time)
At that time, the weather was:
Clear 22.3 °C / Clear

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When to go to Agadir? (Morocco)

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What to do in Agadir : Tips, places, hotels and restaurants

AgadirLocated in the southwest of Morocco, bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Agadir offers the traveler a very long and beautiful beach. The city is also the country's leading fishing port and it has about 600 000 inhabitants. It was completely rebuilt after the devastation of an earthquake in 1960, and is served by an international airport. First tourist site in the country, with its bay known as the sunniest in the world, yet it does not represent the traditional Morocco, but many interesting places we find: the Heritage Museum, largely dedicated to Berber culture; the old quarter of Tunis, whose ruins are the only remains of the former Agdir, and where you get a great panoramic view; Loubnane the mosque; Avenue Oued Souss; Tawada Avenue; the Corniche Boulevard; souks; New Medina, the town created from scratch by Coco Polizzi who returned the characteristics of a traditional medina. Obviously, it is the water activities that will be most appreciated by visitors: swimming, diving, sailing, jet skiing, surfing, fishing. In the modern city, you will love the wide avenues and flower gardens, the feeling of space, although the architecture seems a little monotonous, except for some remarkable buildings as the court or the town hall. See also: the Garden of Portugal, the garden of Ibn Zaidoun the Birds Valley. To get around town, you can take a taxi, rent a car or scooter, and even a bicycle. Note: you park easily in the city.


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